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Session Formats

Our conference aims to take advantage of the different technological and organizational tools available to the humanities. For this reason, we are hosting panels in five diverse formats: workshops, roundtables, activity sessions, lightning talks, and traditional panels.

We encourage panelists in all sessions to take advantage of the various online tools and platforms available to educators; Making Sense will provide premium access to Voice Thread, and panelists may use tools such as Padlet, Kahoot, Slido, and others.

Workshops are a space to engage with open ended questions; they also offer a chance to discuss unpolished or unfinished projects that would benefit from interdisciplinary input.

In Roundtables, panelists introduce topics of conversation and then lead participants in unstructured discussion.

Activity Sessions consist of structured, 15 minute activities engaging panel participants and the audience in any way to help develop ideas about the senses/sensastion.

Lighting Talks are 5-10 minutes long and are intended to be a quick gloss of an ongoing project. The time constraints imposed by a lighting talk encourage quick and precise communication of one narrow idea, and will allow more time for collaborative thinking during each session.

Traditional Panels consist of the delivery of pre-written papers of up to 15 minutes, with a 15-minute Q&A session for all panelists at the end.